As good as jihad is someone doing that to himself and his passion. (HR. Bukhori Muslim)
*)Brave Heart
Once of all behaviour who is the most pride from best friend of rasul SAW is brave heart. Because not anyone can reach that easely. Someday Zaid Bin Aslam come to Abu Dujanah Al-Anshari because his illnes until to die. He seen his face so peacefull and brightly. He asking what happen to him, Abu Dujanah said "nothing the best who is trully from our heart except two things: First is never talk empty. Second is nothing from our hearth to vengeance anyone ". Same word to Zaid Bin Aslam from Iyas Bin Muawiyah "The trully from him is never said bad things about anyone and his heart is so pure". Like Fuadhail Ibn I'yadh said "The trully best thing from us is not because we pray or shaum, but because we can be patient from our soul and have a brave heart to take anything and pure from heart to help anyone".
*)Good Thinking
All good thing between of book who can take for the real moslem is structure to thinking of good in relationship and covering other faulth as fast as you can before anything else know about that.
Source of that, are :
- This method was almost using in Al-Quran and Al-Hadist. Allah said:
"Ya ayyuhalladzina amanu, stay away from bad thinking because that was a sins (QS. Al-Hujarat : 12)
"Why all of you when you heard about that lie cannot good thinking about yourself, and (why not) said :"this is such a big lier."(QS. An-Nur : 12)
Rasulullah SAW. said :"Dont be thinking of bad, stay away from that because that is the worst word." (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim)
His sabda :" For all people who said believe to the god in mouth but not in heart. Dont you talking about issued of moslem and dont saw they bad things. Because that people who search the bad thing of his brother, Allah will open his bad things even he was hide that in horse stomach". (HR. Abu Daud, Tirmidzi and Ahmad)
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