Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008


Once upon a time live one younger people, we can call him zan. Zan is like other ordinary people and always live alone throw away from real world and join with the loneliness, I don’t know why but maybe he already for that. But all of that had to be change after when someone come to his heart, someone who love and care to him until she was going to leave because some mistake and make hate her with himself. He felt down like women who left him without anything until his heart difficult to sense again. Three years pass away but hope to find her never been lost, always try to find her in his head and what he get? Ah maybe we shouldn’t ask that again. All of situation in the past like horror make him full of stress and suck with this world but life must go on like water on the river never stop to let it flow until stop and then dry, don’t waste your time because that was a give from god, the question is can zan do that? That answer is maybe…

Sometime he want to ended his life but it can’t be happen if god don’t want it because that was a big sin and hard to forgiveness if that not our fate. Yeah… fate can’t be change without hardworking and big spirit to be change, no one can help except himself. So what suppose to do to forgot all sickness and joins his life like normally because he feel not ready for that, he doesn’t have someone to laugh and trigger his spirit when feeling down. All what zan need is someone who can understand and care to him. Memory of someone who live in loneliness and so stupid to understand is some unique story to telling again and the truth is he can’t accepted even with his head who is the girl is walk away from his side.
Stuck on his head to release that feeling and make him falling to the ground prison with all people who hated this life and join with ruthless, like mud with all glory and lay stick together or like blood in this body can’t release that.
When his head are controlling, he write something

Looser that’s what I say to myself
Because my ego make heart sick with sweetest word
No one know that what I feel because for what they should know
All what happen just let it flow like tears from my eyes
Am I a looser?
Just can write and my ego make look so stupid?
Until the women who I loved can walked me away
I said to myself
Heart of such a big liar like more than worst word
Cover with a big smile
Maybe that just my feeling but tears come out without control
I try to hold my tears but I can’t
Even that so hard but I always try to stand up for not hurting anyone…..

After finish write that he feel his eye burn and tear of sad coming out warm in his cheek, he grab then slash and throw away without seeing even just a little. All what he can are crying, laugh alone and curse of his life, nothing he can do to throw away the sadness. But he start to thinking and said to himself “what was I’ve done? Fate can’t be change! Fate for me is still alone!” that statement use to make people around of him not going to be hurt again.
“Maybe tomorrow come to much better!” in mind of hopeless. Maybe if he tries to be change, he will get even better but what he has done is nothing.

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008


Once upon a time in other country, we can say Ita’s family is very busy because her father and mother always never stay at home or going to work so Ita always stay at home with babysitter. Ita we can say still baby because her age is three years old. Because she was a little like other child, she always try to find some new. When she plays with scratch on the ground and makes some picture, she found a nail and then after finish scratches the ground she tries to her father’s new car. So maybe we can see that new car full of scratch.
When her father going home, she show that scratch on father’s new car with proud but what she get? She get a really big anger and some hit from her father but the first person who get punishment is babysitter because can’t care Ita. After enough with the babysitter, he tries to hit ita’s hand with all the stuff around him. Start from ruler, wood, etc with a really-really big anger.
“Please stop….I…I’m sorry fathers...Please forgive me... It’s really hurt...Please stop!” ita scream with hold her hurt and her hand start bleeding. The mother just quiet not was doing anything like she agrees with that husband punishment.
After enough with that he tells the babysitter to pick ita to her room. With sad the babysitter picks her to that room. When she takes a bath in noon, she screams with big crying hold that hurt. On the next day ita’s hand starting big not normal, but her parent’s going to work ignore that. Even when the babysitter told them, the mother said “try to use balsam”.
Day by day going to until ita’s body get hot because her hand is get infected. But when she parents know that, they just said that to use medicine to make ita’s body not hot again. When the night come, that sick become worst. Their parents get panic so pick her to the hospital.
The result of diagnostic said that hot because from pain on her hand get infected and must be amputation. After a week in hospital, the doctor said that “there’s no choice”
Doctor tell to them why ita’s hand must get amputate because have infected and come to be more worst until can kill her. ” it can’t be helper until her hand is amputated”.
When they hear this, ita’s parent like hit by lightning with the tears come out and their hand shacked when they sign the agreement to amputation the hand of one beloved daughter.
After that operation is done, ita wake up with hold the hurt from her hand and confuse see that hand covering with white bandage. And more shocked when she was seeing her parents and babysitter crying with hold her pain, ita said to her parents, ”dad…mom, I promise will not doing that again…” I love you daddy, love you mom, and love you Ms Lou. I’m sorry because scratch that car!” their parents after hear that words come more sad.
“Daddy, can I take my hands now? Why you take that? I promise won’t do that again. How can I play with my entire friend if my hands take with you? Please…mom…dad…give my hand’s back…or can I loan that? I just want to apologize and shack hand with all of you!”
Their parents can’t talk anything, they just feel deep sorry in their heart.

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Dont Make Yourself Enemy

As good as jihad is someone doing that to himself and his passion. (HR. Bukhori Muslim)
*)Brave Heart
Once of all behaviour who is the most pride from best friend of rasul SAW is brave heart. Because not anyone can reach that easely. Someday Zaid Bin Aslam come to Abu Dujanah Al-Anshari because his illnes until to die. He seen his face so peacefull and brightly. He asking what happen to him, Abu Dujanah said "nothing the best who is trully from our heart except two things: First is never talk empty. Second is nothing from our hearth to vengeance anyone ". Same word to Zaid Bin Aslam from Iyas Bin Muawiyah "The trully from him is never said bad things about anyone and his heart is so pure". Like Fuadhail Ibn I'yadh said "The trully best thing from us is not because we pray or shaum, but because we can be patient from our soul and have a brave heart to take anything and pure from heart to help anyone".
*)Good Thinking
All good thing between of book who can take for the real moslem is structure to thinking of good in relationship and covering other faulth as fast as you can before anything else know about that.
Source of that, are :
- This method was almost using in Al-Quran and Al-Hadist. Allah said:
"Ya ayyuhalladzina amanu, stay away from bad thinking because that was a sins (QS. Al-Hujarat : 12)
"Why all of you when you heard about that lie cannot good thinking about yourself, and (why not) said :"this is such a big lier."(QS. An-Nur : 12)
Rasulullah SAW. said :"Dont be thinking of bad, stay away from that because that is the worst word." (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim)
His sabda :" For all people who said believe to the god in mouth but not in heart. Dont you talking about issued of moslem and dont saw they bad things. Because that people who search the bad thing of his brother, Allah will open his bad things even he was hide that in horse stomach". (HR. Abu Daud, Tirmidzi and Ahmad)